Pan-Browned Scallops On a Bed of Bacon and Brussels Sprouts
Dressing-In-A-Bowl Simple Salad
Okay, I am distracted while writing this because I am multi-tasking and listening to Barack Obama's nomination speech. I may forever call this Democratic Convention Scallops.
I love bacon. I love brussels sprouts. I love scallops. And luckily, so does Trevor.
Start by trimming your sprouts (about 1 lb) and slicing them in half. Throw in a large, straight-sided pan with 1 cup water, 3 slices chopped bacon, and salt and pepper. Bring to a boil over high heat and cook until water is almost gone and bacon is giving off its fat. 7 minutes plus.

Lower the heat and add I Tablespoon of oil, 1 medium chopped onion, and fresh chopped tarragon. Don't overstir as you want the sprouts to brown.
When it is all nicely browned, scoop all of the mixture into a bowl on the side, wipe your pan out and heat again over medium-high heat. Add oil and once heated, add the scallops. Season them with salt and pepper and do not touch for a minute or two, letting them brown. Turn over for a minute on the other side, add the sprout mix back in and serve immediately.
Now, I think this cookbook would have you cook the scallops until they are firm, but I believe in flash cooking scallops. Much juicier and a better texture. Also, the tarragon was overkill and with all of the other flavors, you don't really need it.
I served on the side the Dressing-In-A-Bowl Simple Salad which is indeed simple. All it calls for is mixed greens tossed with olive oil, vinegar (half the amount of vinegar to the oil), salt, and pepper. I added shaved Parmigiano-Regianno and beets, carrots, and tomatoes from our farm share.

The salad was refreshing and light. The scallops were delicious. They were so good. This is so easy and will even satisfy picky eaters. (It is the bacon, I am NOT kidding!)
We are leaving tomorrow for our roap trip to Montana, Wyoming, and Walla Walla so we drank one of our nice bottles of wine we have been saving since we will be able to buy more this weekend. If you ever have a chance to drink Waters' Cabernet Sauvignon, don't pass it up.
55 recipes down in How To Eat Supper.